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Asynchronous sampling and reconstruction of sparse signals

September 1, 2012

Asynchronous signal processing is an appropriate low-power approach for the processing of bursty signals typical in biomedical applications and sensing networks. Different from the synchronous processing, based on the Shannon- Nyquist sampling theory, asynchronous processing is free of aliasing constrains and quantization error, while allowing continuous-time processing. In this paper we connect level crossing sampling with time-encoding using asynchronous sigma delta modulators, to develop an asynchronous decomposition procedure similar to the Haar transform wavelet decomposition. Our procedure provides a way to reconstruct bounded signals, not necessarily band-limited, from related zero-crossings, and it is especially applicable to decompose sparse signals in time and to denoise them. Actual and synthetic signals are used to illustrate the advantages of the decomposer.


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Innovative Medical Engineering Developments Laboratory
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Swanson School of Engineering
University of Pittsburgh